Kanchanaburi Paper Mill Renovation

According to the history of the Paper Mill, it has been loved by Kanchanaburi People since it was constructed in 1935. Which about 86 years ago. The history and culture has been happened here because it went through many important historical situation such as world war II. And many festivals happen around this old community (Pakprak Road). The generations passed by and the Paper Mill was not used anymore, right now there is only the old building construction under the Kanchanaburi Province preservation. So i decided to turn this site into a Museum with community center to re-activate this area again where all people can come to gather, relax and study about the history too.

According to the paper mill process, the most important area in the Paper Mill is the Main Production hall where they put a huge machine which now still placed in the same spot in the hall. So i want “emphasize” this important hall through my facade position and people will see the area with differnt dynamic and perspective while waking.

And I decided to “weave” the old existing building into my new architecture parts by using the landscape too.